Winter in Alaska is here, fishing continues…
Winter is officially here and what a great way to start the season…with a lunar eclipse on a clear, cold night. The snow and cold weather has been a nice change for me and I’m looking forward to getting out and enjoying it during the next few days. I have been getting on and off fishing boats for the past six weeks and I finally have a few days off to enjoy the snow and outdoors. I believe some cross country skiing will be first on my list of fun activities. I’ll be heading back out to sea from Dutch Harbor the day after Christmas, which means my time in Alaska is winding down. Well…a couple of more months here and then back to tropical Cebu.
I’m excited to get back home, mostly to see my family, but also to start some exciting projects. This long period away from home has allowed me to reflect on what my strengths are (personally & photographically) and has given me some much needed time to reflect on my vision as a photographer. I feel much more ready to move forward now with my visual storytelling and I am truly excited to jump back in. I’ll be sure to share my project ideas when I have more information and everything is better planned out. I do expect to be doing more documentary work that relates to environmental issues and conservation, as well as covering more cultural lifestyles/events and travel.
I’ve posted some images taken recently, mostly during the past week while in the small town of Kodiak. Wishing everyone a nice holiday season and great start to the New Year.

email: jacob@jacobimages.com |
© 2025 Jacob Maentz